
Creativity+Thinking is our proprietary method that has been developed through years of experience and work through Design Thinking.
It is the answer to how to design the process even better to respond even more effectively to the real needs of users, also taking into account the development and needs of the project group.
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Creativity+Thinking - creative solution design

Creativity+Thinking (C+T) is a proprietary method of creative solution design, which has specific work steps and specific tools.

What makes C+T different from Design Thinking is the order of the stages - in Creativity+Thinking we first broaden the perspective (among other things, by studying trends), and then we research and generate solutions.

In this method, a very strong emphasis is placed on the project team and their motivation throughout the project, so that the team identifies with the developed solutions.

The C+T process yields results that are not only creative, but also responsive to real needs and implementable.

Stages of the Creativity+Thinking process

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1. selection of the project team
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2. defining the goal
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3. identifying the challenge
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4. looking for inspiration
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5. research
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6. solution generation
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7. solution selection
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8 Prototyping
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9 Testing
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10. preparation for implementation

1. selection of the project team

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Selection of the project team - the optimal team consists of 5-6 people with different roles and competencies.

2. defining the goal

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Defining the goal - naming the problem and defining the goal we are pursuing sets the direction of the search.

3. identifying the challenge

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Defining the challenge - defining the challenge should be an attractive but relatively realistic visualization of the goal achieved.

4. looking for inspiration

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Looking for inspiration - going beyond the team's area of expertise broadens perspectives and initiates the search for solutions inspired by new knowledge. At this stage we look at, among other things, social trends in the world, new work methods, good practices from other industries. Inspiration is selected according to the topic, and the goal is to look further than before.

5. research

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Research - qualitative research, such as interviews with customers of a project product or service, makes it possible to extract so-called insights, or key insights for further work.

6. solution generation

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Generating solutions - a stage that lasts after both stage 4 and stage 5. Until this point, we write down all possible ideas.

7. solution selection

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Solution selection - the selection of a single idea is made possible by the adopted criteria of feasibility of implementation and business benefit.

8 Prototyping

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Prototyping - presenting the selected idea in the form of a prototype (in the form of a mockup, storyboard, acted out scene, cardboard, poster, etc.) reduces the risk of failure and verifies that everyone understands the idea in the same way.

9 Testing

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Testing - presenting the idea to the target audience allows you to gather feedback and identify improvements.

10. preparation for implementation

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Prepare for implementation - taking into account improvements from testing allows you to prepare the project for implementation (according to the selected project management method).

What is unique about Creativity+Thinking?
  • the way teams are selected - based on the action and thinking styles of the participants, we create diverse and committed teams
  • creative leaps - we use techniques that trigger the "spontaneous child" in the participants and motivate them to find out-of-the-box solutions
  • Business validation of solutions - we make sure that solutions are implementable, fit within time and budget, and meet user needs
  • The needs of the members and the client for whom we design are as important to us as the needs of the EARTH. For us, the earth is a key stakeholder in every project
  • before we enter the empathization stage, we study the broad context taking into account all elements around the project that may affect it, including: trends, economic factors, technological factors, etc.
What topics will you realize through the Creativity+Thinking process?

Design Thinking and Creativity+Thinking are iterative processes, but their are based on a systematic approach to design, in which each stage matters. What is important is both the order in which the successive stages, as well as not to skip any of them.

Only by meeting these criteria we can speak of a complete, well-executed process.


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