Photo Summit Day at Concordia Design in Wroclaw is a unique open photography festival. On May 10 - 11, we invite you to workshops with the best Polish photographers, exhibitions, portfolio presentations and inspiring lectures and discussions about the future of photography.
The main theme of this year's Festival is Portrait - artistic, portrait in photojournalism, in advertising, editorial, psychological portrait, photomontage.
And all this in the company and under the guidance of some of Poland's best photographers, including Pawel Fabjanski, Iwona El Tanbouli-Jabłońska, Tomek Sikora, Tomasz Tomaszewski, Kasia Idzkowska, Marcin Giba, Chris Niedenthal.
Admission to all events free! Seat reservations are required for some of the events, see descriptions for details.
Photo Summit Day program - May 10
The first day of the Festival includes an open call to the Homeless Gallery, the opening of an exhibition of photographs by Iwona El Tanbouli - Jablonski and Maciej Jablonski, "Silent Cinema," and an outdoor exhibition of works by the winners of last year's Homeless Gallery competition. We would also like to invite you to the program block prepared by the Postgraduate Studies in Photography and the SWPS Graphics Department, as well as exhibitions at the FOTO - GEN gallery and the ZPAF Photography Gallery. Details below.

Hanging works for the exhibition Homeless Gallery
Curated by Tomek Sikora, 2:00 - 6:00 pm, View Room

Homeless Gallery is a space where any photography enthusiast can show their own work. All you have to do is bring your printed and signed photos (in any format) hang them up, and drop in with friends a day later for the opening. Together we will celebrate the creativity of Wroclaw residents and visitors.
The public is invited to assemble the works from 2 pm to 6 pm
Opening: Saturday, May 11, 1 pm
The originators of the initiative are Tomek Sikora and Andrzej Świetlik.
Silent cinema exhibition
Authors: Iwona El Tanbouli-Jabłońska and Maciej Jabłoński, place: Concordia Design Wrocław site

Silent Cinema - portraits of filmmakers, is a series of photographs depicting people associated with the X muse. Famous directors, actors and composers stood in front of the lens. "Our heroes were great personalities who themselves create a new reality just for the sake of film. We were interested in whether they would surrender to our vision and step into a new role?" - this is what authors Iwona El Tanbouli-Jabłońska and Maciej Jabłoński say about the portraits.
The project began in 2004 and continued thereafter for another seven years. All photographs were taken with a large-format camera. The photos could be seen in exhibitions during the New Horizons film festivals in Cieszyn and later in Wroclaw.
Exhibition of artists awarded in the first edition of the Homeless Gallery
Concordia Design Wrocław Terrace

An outdoor exhibition of works by artists who were awarded during last year's festival.
The exhibition, organized on the Concordia Design Terrace, will feature works by: Magdalena Miszkiewicz, Marta Kołodziejczyk, Olga Golieva and Łukasz Spychała.
- The exhibition is funded by the Research Development Fund of SWPS University.
- Co-financed by the Municipality of Wroclaw.
Ros Khavro: LET'S ACCEPT WHAT WE DON'T LIKE, curatorial tour
Conducting: Paweł Bąkowski, venue: FOTO Gallery - GEN, 4 pm

The main axis of Rosa Khavro's interests are noble photographic techniques, as well as very strict in form sculptural objects treated by him equally. The artist exploits the potential of wood and metal, while his photographs are distinguished by formal asceticism, color reduction, submission to technological rigor, boldly going beyond the usual photographic subjects so exploited by noble techniques. The exhibition will present the works of both workshops Khavro practiced.
FOTO Gallery - GEN, pl. bpa Nankiera 8.
vernissage and exhibition "I Love You All the Time" by Adam Tuchlinski
ZPAF Gallery of Photography, 8:00 pm

Adam Tuchlinski
I Love You All the Time - an exhibition of Portrait Photography.
Curator of the exhibition Joanna Kinowska.
"I Love You All the Time" is a selection of the most interesting portraits Adam Tuchlinski has made over the past six years. Faces alone, with no texts or expressions. The viewer/reader has another person in front of him. Most are looking straight at us. They are just like us. Like in the song: you look and all you see is another guy. I love you all the time.(You're looking and all you see is another guy (...) I love you all the time.) Just like us. Showing their best side to strangers, in this case the audience. Just like us, loving and wanting to be loved.
ZPAF Gallery of Photography, 4 Św. Marcina St.
Ali Zakrzewska's exhibition "Surrealism of emotions"
Concordia Design Wrocław Terrace

The exhibition presents a collection of works created since 2018, focusing on emotions captured in a surreal perspective. Each work takes you on a journey into an all-encompassing world of experiences that the designer wants the viewer to fully immerse themselves in.
The selection of photographic elements, colors and compositions is planned in detail, based on a careful analysis of the subjects covered. The surreal style of the works is designed to capture the viewer's attention, creating an arresting and thought-provoking dialogue between the work and the viewer.
Lucyna Polomska's exhibition "Sublimation"
Concordia Design Wrocław Terrace

A program block prepared by the Postgraduate Studies in Photography and the Department of Graphic Design at SWPS University.
Place: SWPS University in Wroclaw

Portfolio overview
Conducting: Karol Krukowski, Department of Graphic Design, SWPS University, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

It doesn't matter if you take a lot of photos or few, they are certainly yours. It sounds trite, but it's worth repeating that each of our photographs is a decision, a declaration, a taking a stand. I'm curious about what you're talking about, what you're looking at, and if you need help with understanding your own work, I invite you to a consultation of your photographic portfolio at SWPS University in Wroclaw. Karol Krukowski
Portfolio overview
Conducting: Agata Grzych, Postgraduate Studies in Photography, SWPS University, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

I am interested in creative, arranged, staged and conceptual photography. If you like to invent photos and create your own artistic concepts or use intuition and imagination in your work, and are wondering what to do with your photographs next, then I invite you to a consultation of your photographic portfolio at the SWPS University in Wroclaw. Agata Grzych
Portfolio overview
Conducting: Jacek Kolodziejski, Postgraduate Studies in Photography, SWPS University, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

On a daily basis I use photography to create imaginary worlds, sometimes they are advertising worlds, sometimes my own. There is always something in common in them. If you like to combine photography with fashion, architecture or performance, I invite you to consult your photographic portfolio at SWPS University. Jacek Kolodziejski
Product photography workshop
Conducting: Adrian Seliga, Postgraduate Studies in Photography, SWPS University, 5:00 - 6:00 pm

During the workshop, I will demonstrate how to use light in a photography studio. I will demonstrate how to work in three different positions: in packshot photography with a difficult product, an arranged session in cinematic look style and a session with flash lighting using motion freezing as an example. Adrian Seliga
Presentation: don't call me a photographer
Author, conduct: Jacek Kolodziejski, Postgraduate Studies in Photography, SWPS University, 6:00 - 7:00 pm.

During the author's meeting I will talk about building my own visual language in advertising and art photography. I will present methods of action based on the photographic and design process - from awareness of the goal through image direction to the realization of a complete photographic project. Jacek Kolodziejski
Photo Summit Day program - May 11
Lecture on the future of photography
The lecture will be translated into Polish Sign Language thanks to the cooperation with the Foundation for the Development of Audiodescription "Katarynka."

Where is photography headed? Trends in photography. The lecture will be translated into Polish Sign Language
Lecture by special guest Pawel Fabjanski, Kamienica room, 6 pm

Pawel Fabjanski is constantly exploring the boundaries between art and commercialism, setting new standards in the world of photography. Honored in the prestigious album "200 Best Ad Photographers Worldwide", winner of the Silver Lion at the Cannes Advertising Festival. During the lecture he will talk not only about how we take pictures today, but also about how we perceive them. He will present technological innovations and changes that make today's photography look very different from that of a few years ago. In his reflections, he will go from AI to mobile photography to the returning fashion for film and analog. He will analyze new challenges and opportunities for photographers and reflect on the future of his beloved field.
Photography workshops
Place: Concordia Design Wrocław

Artistic portraiture with incident light
Conducting: Kasia Idzkowska, Room S8, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Participants will work on portraiture with interesting models, artists. They will create artistic portraits with the use of daylight. They will discover the magic of daylight. Kasia Idzkowska will impart methods of creating portraits, share her knowledge and experience of working with people. And above all I will show some tricks that help to achieve an artistic effect.
How to be a fire, not a moth - or how to construct a photo reportage in an original way
Moderated by Tomasz Tomaszewski, room S7, 9:00 - 12:00 pm

The workshop is designed for enthusiasts who have a basic knowledge of photography, have mastered the technical issues and are looking for ways to break free from the simple documentation of reality, replacing photographs with intriguing photographs, creating the impression of interacting with an image that is original and worth remembering.
Here you will find answers to questions such as: "How to make photography another form of our thinking?" or finally: "How to arrange a long series of photos so that they clearly express thought?"
Story of a man
Moderated by Tom Sikora, Room S6, 9:00 - 12:00 pm

Come join us for a workshop with one of Poland's most interesting photographers - the unrepentant, fascinated by independent photography Tomek Sikora. Dividedinto groups of two, workshop participants will first have conversations with each other. Each pair will choose a place away from the others. As a result of these conversations, they will build a psychological portrait of each other's interlocutor and then proceed to a portrait session. Tom will then discuss the resulting photos with the participants.
How to shoot with a rangefinder camera
Conducting: Piotr Marek - Leica Akademie, View room, 9.00 - 12.00 pm

Is it possible to photograph architecture with a rangefinder? How to effectively work with it on the street? What advantages and disadvantages does it have over other designs? When was the first camera of this type developed? And what kind of pictures were taken with it? All these questions will be answered by Piotr Marek, a specialist from Leica Akademie. For the workshop, please bring SD cards that can be formatted in the camera.
Photo essay presentations - meetings with the most prominent photographers, talks, photo presentations.
Please reserve your seats - you only need one reservation to listen to all the speeches.

Iwona El Tanbouli-Jabłońska and Maciej Jabłoński
"Silent cinema" portraits, sala Kamienica, 1:20 - 1:50 pm

Iwona El Tanbouli-Jabłońska is a juror in the LaMPA mountain photography competition, art director of National Geographic Poland, photographer and co-owner of the F11 photo-graphic-film studio. She travels with her camera around the world taking on socially difficult subjects. She is a winner of international photo contests and a double winner of Grand Press Photo.
Maciej Jablonski is a photographer working with National Geographic Poland, a filmmaker, and owner of the F11 photo and film studio, which is a partner of the LaMPA mountain photography competition. He creates film and documentary projects.
Kasia Idzkowska - the meeting will be chaired by Pawel Golębski
"Artistic portrait, inspiration straight from NYC", tenement hall, 1:55 - 2:25 pm.

Kasia Idzkowska - photographer of the New York music scene. Since 2016 she has been working on a project, titled: "That's NYC Jazz, Babe" photographing the backstage of the jazz scene. Her work has appeared on album covers and publications, i.e. Warner Music, Agora and Kayax, HighNote. She likes to combine her two favorite genres of photography, moving freely between documentary and portrait. At the meeting she will tell how she quit banking to follow her passion.
Recent awards include: Grand Prix winner of Jazz World Photo 2020, 1st place International Photography Awards IPA 2022 in the Event/Concert category, 1st place International Photography Awards IPA 2023 in the category: People/Lifestyle.
Tomasz Tomaszewski - the meeting will be chaired by Pawel Golebski
"The world is where you stopped," Kamienica hall, 2:30- 3:15 pm

The meeting will be about the latest book, published by the artist in 2023. The author, in conversation with Pavel Golębski, will talk about, among other things, metaphor and interpretation of photography, and will display a show of photographs, which in excerpts are included in the book under discussion.
The book, entitled The World is Where You Stop (The World is Where You Stop) was composed of 150 black and white photographs representing the author's imagination, interpretation, reverie and reflection. The item will be available for purchase after the meeting with the author.
Marcin Giba
"Sky paintings", Kamienica hall, 3:30 - 4 pm.

"Sky Images" is several long-term series. The "Natural" project shows the Polish landscape into which industry has intruded. The series "Human on earth" is based on the phenomenon of pareidolia, which involves seeing specific shapes in random details, most often resembling a human face. On the other hand, a set of photos titled "Minimal, animal, faces" focuses on the season that is the most difficult to fly a drone due to weather conditions, but the most photogenic.
Currently, the author is artistically exploring the subject of heaps. The resulting works form the series "Silesian Monsters."
Agata Grzybowska Ambassador of Leica Camera Poland
Kamienica room, 4:05 pm - 4:35 pm

Agata Grzybowska (born 1984 ) Visual artist, documentary photographer. Ambassador of Leica Camera Poland. Graduated in photography from the Department of Cinematography at the Polish National Film School (PWSFTViT) in Lodz, teaches photography at the SWPS University of Humanities and Social Sciences.
In her documentary work, she is interested in people and their stories. She tells the stories of excluded, often forgotten and unheard people. She firmly believes that everyone has the right to tell their own story. The author of the artist's portrait is Grzegorz Wełnicki.
Chris Niedenthal - Guest of Leica Camera Poland
Kamienica room, 4.40 pm - 5. 10 pm

Chris Niedenthal - In 1973 he came to Poland, where he still lives today. In the 1980s he worked with the American weekly Newsweek, Time Magazine, Der Spiegel. As a photojournalist, he did reportage throughout eastern and central Europe, the Soviet Union and the Balkans. He witnessed the formation of the free trade union "Solidarity" during the 1980 strike at the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk, as well as the imposition of martial law in Poland in December 1981, and later documented the fall of communism in 1989. He won an award in the World Press Photo competition in 1986 for his portrait of Hungarian leader Janos Kadar. Four albums of his photographs have been published in Poland: "Polish People's Republic. Rekwizyty" (BOSZ 2004), "13/12. Polska Stanu Wojennego" (Edipresse 2006), "In Your Face" (Edition Fototapeta 2011), "Chris Niedenthal. Selected Photographs 1973-1989", "Chris Niedenthal 1989. Year of Hope" (BOSZ 2017) .In 2011 his autobiography "Chris Niedenthal. Zawód: Fotograf" (Marginesy).
Anna Gondek - Grodkiewicz
Curator of Photo Summit Day 2024

Photographer. Winner of Grand Press Photo 2017 (1st prize in the category Everyday Life - Photojournalism.
Her work has been published in National Geographic Poland, Newsweek, The Times Poland, Gazeta Wyborcza, Wysokie Obcasy and Gala, as well as in the prestigious PRESS publication "15 Years of Grand Press Photo." She has taught photography at the Faculty of Graphics and the Institute of Design at SWPS University in Wroclaw. She has pursued photographic subjects among the Kuna Yala Indians living on the islands of the San Blas archipelago in the Caribbean Sea; explored traditions in Central American culture (Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador); reached out to the cults of Thailand; photographed the "Hell of Women" in El Salvador; and in Iceland and Poland explored the phenomenon of Westerners' longing for intense contact with raw nature.
The story of our festival photo

The photo was originally the cover of Twardowski's album "A Soundtrack To Growing Up," released in 2012. The album was released on vinyl on the Polish independent music label U Know Me Records, in a limited edition of 300 copies. Currently the entire run of the album is sold out, the album can be listened to here:
The cover was intended to fulfill two purposes: to allude to the album's title and, at the same time, to allow the artist debuting his solo project to 'introduce himself'. As a result, the picture shows the album's author with a 'beard' - a symbol of growing up. This 'beard' was made of transparent resin, in which toys previously painted with fluorescent varnish were embedded.
Music: Twardowski
Art Direction: Edgar Bąk
Photography: Jacek Kolodziejski
FX: Agnieszka Hodowana
Executive Production: Marcin 'Groh' Grośkiewicz
© U Know Me Records

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