Design Manifesto vol. 2 track at Impact CEE

We continue with the first manifesto on the Polish market dedicated to the topic of design in the path during Impact CEE. Today we are announcing that. 2024 is the year of RESPONSIBILITY and INSPIRATION (eyes wide open).
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May 15, 2024

4:00-6:00 pm

Stage 5, Impact CEE

On May 15 on the Impact CEE stage, we'll give you the tools and inspire you to take action

In the D E S I G N M A N I F E S T O track, you'll learn how to develop a business that is driven by responsibility, and how to take advantage of trends and signals of change. With a non-obvious lineup of speakers and presenters from different fields - business, science, art - you will learn about the business opportunities that come from reality inspiration.

You will gain the tools and motivation to make real change in your organization. We ask questions, we challenge the status quo, because real change comes from seeking, observing and getting out of your comfort zone.

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For whom?
  • For male and female leaders,
  • For HR/People&Culture departments,
  • For marketers_women, product owners_women, strategists_women,
  • For business in the broadest sense,
  • For anyone looking for inspiration,
  • for anyone looking for practical tips to implement in an organization.

What's on stage 5?

expert persons

panel discussions, talks, power speech

thematic blocks: responsibility >> eyes wide open

About the idea of DESIGN MANIFESTO

The thematic blocks we are addressing at Impact 2024 are two of the six slogans that define DESIGN MANIFESTO:


As experienced designers working with businesses, we know that to become a change, it is necessary to recognize the changes happening around us, and to put both human needs and the Earth's resources at the center.


From this idea in 2023, we created DESIGN MANIFESTO, the first manifesto on the Polish market dedicated to the topic of innovative design from a human-business-planet perspective.

See the 2023 Manifesto.
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Download a toolkit with the issues raised on our Design Manifesto stage at the Impact'24 conference.

    *Mandatory field