Concordia Design RE_cord. Sylwia Hull-Wosiek and Michal Karbowiak discuss design sprint.

Katarzyna Rząsa

  1. How many people from your organization should take part in the DESIGN SPRINK
  2. Why will they be people from different departments?
  3. What to expect from DESIGN SPRINK?

So many questions... but we have answers to all of them!

Listen to what Sylwia Hull-Wosiek, Head of Consulting at Concordia Design, says about DESIGN SPRINT in an interview with Michal Karbowiak.

Watch the entire interview >>>

About the author_rce

Katarzyna Rząsa

Moderator and facilitator of Design Thinking and Creativity+Thinking. Specializes in supporting strategic projects (including experience in HR strategy PMO). She builds bridges between HR strategy and company strategy. She works with clients to identify and co-create the organization's DNA and values from the perspective of today/tomorrow's needs. She is passionate about projects that result in the development of new solutions, products and services. For more than a dozen years, she has worked with some of the largest employers in Wielkopolska - Volkswagen Poznań and IKEA Poznań. She is passionate about creating models that translate into everyday life. She has experience in employee satisfaction surveys and working with managers on change in this area and creating programs for HiPo in the organization. Consultant and workshop facilitator. An ultra-visionary, she works with great energy, determination and the belief that the impossible is always possible - according to her, it's just a matter of the right tools and process. Privately - gallup collector - loves to collect experiences, has countless folders named "inspirations". A fan of dopamine dressing.

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